Spot was conceived through a brief by OPPO that asks what the future of home technology would look like. Every day our minds are flooded with information. Spot is a tool that ensures you get the right information when you need it. It is designed using simple components and an effective intervention point. It consists of low-energy Bluetooth tabs that can be attached to objects we need, a trio of receivers to locate the tabs at the door, and a door handle with a fingerprint sensor to confirm your identity and warn you via haptic feedback if you forget your valuables. It’s designed to be a vitamin so you wouldn’t need a painkiller.
Ergo Mouse
Does what it says. Keeping contact between one set of materials to ensure smooth, predictable, accurate movements
Lock Up
With motorcycle theft on the rise the mechanism designed takes inspiration from clothing security tabs. It keeps the locking components enveloped within functioning objects. This creates a security shield which renders the motorcycle largely useless if an attempt to steal is made using traditional methods.